Partial section through Castello di Rivoli, Turin, showing stairways
between 1714 and 1721
- This partial section through Castello di Rivoli, Turin, shows design details for wall ornament which are suggested by sketches in some of the archways. It has not been determined whether the exterior wall section at the upper left of this drawing was executed on a separate sheet or torn off and repaired. Comparison with drawing DR1978:0008:011, which shows the same section through the castello, indicates that this exterior wall section was probably part of the building.
Pen and black ink over black chalk underdrawing, with graphite
sheet: 43.2 x 27.7 cm
- Sheet consists of two sheets and two or three strips of paper joined together. Sheet has several stains, some ink. An old guard strip has been removed and stored separately.
inscribed - by the draughtsman ?, in pen and brown ink, in various locations: with measurements
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