Student project for a park fountain dedicated to the arts
- A student project for a park fountain dedicated to the fine arts and described in elevation, plan, and profile. Rising from a series of circular basins, the central monument -- a four-sided aedicula capped by a curved pavilion roof -- houses four allegorical figures, one on each side and set in a niche. In the entablature above the figure shown in the elevation appears the inscription "Peinture".
Graphite and various watercolours
sheet: 62.8 x 48.0 cm
inscribed - by a contemporary hand, in pen and black ink, u.l.: "no.4 / Barbier [signature]"; by a contemporary hand, in red pencil, t.: "1"; by the draughtsman, in graphite, verso, u.l.: "Louis Sortais / at[elier] Daumet-Girault" stamped - circular relief stamp, in blue ink, u.l.: "Ecole des Beaux-Arts"
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