View from the administrator's house, Harz, Germany
composition (visible image; rounded corners): 10,3 x 15,7 cm plate (approx.): 12 x 17,5 cm frame: 15,9 x 21,3 x 0,5 cm
Passe-partout style housing with image plate under a white paper mat with decorative motif and under glass. A thin, gold coloured metal frame holds the object together.
inscribed and labelled - by the photographer, in black ink, on a paper label, verso, u.c.: "Aussicht aus einem der vorderen Fenster des zweiten Stockes der Administrator-Wohnung zu Rothehütte am Harz (Nr.3 ist fast dieselbe Aussicht nur von einem anderen Fenster ausgesehen)." signed - by an unknown hand, in black ink, verso, l.r.: "D. (?) E. Biewend/Fec.(?)"
Harz Germany
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