Portfolio with interior and exterior views of courthouses across the United States
between 1975 and 1977
The photogaraphs in this portfolio were made in 1975-77 for the Joseph E. Seagram & Sons Bicentennial project directed by Phyllis Lambert and edited by Richard Pare.
Gelatin silver prints
portfolio: 52.8 x 42.2 x 6.2 cm
Modern blue cloth folding box, with embossed title on cover, and white endpapers.
imprinted - in black ink, contents page; bottom: "COURT HOUSE / PHOTOGRAPHS BY BOB THALL / PORTFOLIO #3 OF AN EDITION OF 25."; handwritten in black ink: "3" embossed - on cover, at bottom: "COURT HOUSE / PHOTOGRAPHS BY BOB THALL"
© Library of Congress
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