Bird's-eye perspective sketch for Fallingwater, Bear Run, Pennsylvania, showing an oblique view of the south elevation over the waterfall
between December 1935 and January 1936
- Drawn from a higher vantage point than DR1985:0288, this drawing depicts the widely photographed south facade of Fallingwater, with its cantilevered stepped terraces, supported in part by parapets which act as upturned carrying beams, and dominant central chimney into which main beams are anchored. The lesser beam rests on an existing boulder (Zevi & Kaufmann, Jr., 1962, 22-23; Hoffman, 1978, 13, 40).
Graphite and coloured pencil
sheet: 47.0 x 81.5 cm
- Sheet has small tears and losses which are repaired.
numbered - by a member of the Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, in graphite, l.l.: "3602.01" numbered - by an unknown hand (at MOMA ?), in graphite, verso, l.r.: "(3) 61.1760"
© 2018, Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation
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