Individual Presentations, Correspondence, etc
Individual Presentations, Correspondence, etc:
Sylviane Agacinski
Akira Asada / Arata Isozaki
Dara Birnbaum
Brian Boigon
Melvin Charney
Rebecca Comay
Douglas Cooper
Jean-Louis Déotte
Elizabeth Diller
Peter Eisenman
Peter Galison / Caroline Jones
Elizabeth Grosz
Jean-Claude Guédon
Michel Iorio
Toyo Ito
Fredric Jameson
Kojin Karatani
Seok Chui Kim
Joanne Lamoureux
Daniel Latouche
Sylvia Lavin
Daniel Libeskind
Alberto Pérez-Gómez
John Rajchman
Ignasi de Solà-Morales Rubió
Bruce Trigger
Bernard Tschumi
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