Article Texts, 1996-1997
Martin, Well-Opener - drafts of articles by Reinhold Martin (3 files)
Koss - drafts of article by Juliet Koss
El-Dahdah Book Review - drafts of review by Farès el-Dahdah of Jean-François de Bastide's The Little House, An Architectural Seduction
Picon - drafts and translations of article by Antoine Picon
Eigen - drafts of article by Edward Eigen (2 files)
Project - Sm-M / Hawk (Smith-Miller + Hawkinson Architects) - transcript of conversation between Henry Smith-Miller, Laurie Hawkinson, Cynthia Davidson, and Ernest Pascucci
Kurgan - drafts of article by Laura Kurgan
Wigley - drafts of articles by Mark Wigley
Nordenson - drafts of article by Guy Nordenson, with illustrations
Wong - drafts of article by Y. C. Wong
Branden Joseph - drafts of article by Branden W. Joseph
Segrest - drafts of article by Robert Segrest
Roy - drafts of article by Lindy Roy
Colomina - drafts of article by Beatriz Colomina
Robbins - drafts of review by Edward Robbins of M. Christine Boyer's The City of Collective Memory
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