Presentation drawing for a stage set with a central trompe-l'oeil landscape
probably between 1745-1775
- The two halves of this drawing show alternate stage sets from which the patron could make his choice. It is unclear whether this design was for a painted trompe-l'oeil stage backdrop and/or a constructed stage set. The deep unified space of the architectural interior and low vanishing point of the central landscape indicates that this part of the drawing is probably intended to be a painted trompe-l'oeil, however, the inscribed scale suggests that some of the architectural elements may have been constructed (Fuhring, 161 and 570). The prickings indicate that the overall design was intended to be executed. A crown above the central cartouche in drawing DR1967:0010:002 which is probably by the same hand, indicates a possible royal connection.
Gouache and watercolour over graphite with white lead underpainting and highlights
sheet: 26.9 x 48.7 cm
- The crease that runs down the vertical central axis of the support has led to considerable flaking of the gouache ? The image has been pricked for transfer.
inscribed - by an unknown hand, in brown watercolour, t.: "VOCE ET ARTE" inscribed - by an unknown hand, in graphite, l.r.: with an illegible inscription
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