A Fireworks Display in the Place au Vendredi on October 19th
printed between 1717 and 1719
- To manifest the consolidation of his power over the Low Countries, the Emperor Charles VI of Austria staged triumphal entries for his representative into Brussels and Ghent in 1717. During six days of ceremonies and festivities, the main market place was transformed several times. This print (DR1982:0240) depicts the third transformation that was wrought on the Place au Vendredi: the statue of Charles V, ornamented with an illuminated monogramme of Charles VI, became the centerpiece of a temporary fenced compound for fireworks - a firework display layout standard for at least a century, and still in use today.
Etching with burin work
plate mark: 48.7 x 52.8 cm sheet: 53.5 x 61.1 cm
- Sixth of six large folding plates detached from a book.
imprinted - by the etcher, in the plate below the image, b.: "Representation du Feu d'artifice dressé autour de la Statue de l'Empereur Charles V. sur la grande place, dite au Vendredy [sic], à l'occasion de l'heureuse Inauguration de Sa Majesté / Imperiale et Catholique Charles VI. Empereur des Romains, et III. du nom Roi des Espagnes, comme Comte de Flandres, celebrée en la Ville de Gand Capitale de la Province, le 18. [sic] Octobre 1717."
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