Perspective of a statue of Meleager
printed 1555
Engraving on laid paper
sheet: 49.7 x 34.4 cm (19 9/16 x 13 9/16 in.)
- Sheet has an old horizontal fold through c.
inscribed and dated - by the engraver ? in the plate below the image, l.l. to l.r.: "Antiquum ex pario marmore in aedibus Hadriani Episcopi Aquinatis et numeris omnibus absolutum et omnium quae multis ab hinc annis eruta Romae sunt integerrimum; simulacrum / Con gratiaet privilegio. AnT Lafrerius Sequanus; R. M DLV" numbered - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the print outside the plate mark, u.r.: "65"
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