Plans for a water distillery for Kiefhoek Housing Estate, Rotterdam, Netherlands
printed 1928
- Diazotype DR1984:0519 and blueprints DR1984:0522 - DR1984:0531 for Kiefhoek Housing Estate bear the stamp of the Municipal Housing Service of Rotterdam. The stamp has been filled in with drawing numbers and draughtsman's and architect's signatures.
sheet: 58.8 x 106.5 cm
stamped, dated and numbered - on the original, l.r.: "Gemeentelijke Woningdienst. / ROTTERDAM. / Teekening No. [31.] / Behoort bij bestek no. [25.] / Geteekend door: [with draughtsman's signature; illeg. and 8-12-28] / Afgeg. de Arch: [with architect's name] / Ontv. de Aann: / Teekening na gebruik terug." [object numbered by an unknown hand on the original within the stamp] signed and dated - by the draughtsman, on the original, l.r.: [within stamp, illeg.] and "8-12-28" signed - by the architect, on the original, l.r.: "Oud" [within stamp, underlined] inscribed - by the draughtsman, on the original, u.l.: with title; l.r.: "67/100."; and throughout: with dimensions
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