Perspective showing the interior decoration for a salon of the hôtel of the Duchesse de Mazarin, quai Malaquais, Paris
ca. 1780
Pen and india ink and watercolour
comp.: 28.2 x 33.3 cm secondary support: 34.7 x 40.4 cm sheet: 34.7 x 40.4 cm
- The drawing is framed with a thin India ink border and a wider brown ink border. Narrow strips of paper with gold leaf were glued over the sheet next to the brown ink border as a camouflage to brown ink bleeds. Strips of green paper, partially pulled off, were glued next to the gold border up to the edges of the sheet. A double brown ink border frames the green strips of paper. Traces of glue and traces of pulled off beige and brown papers are visible on green paper strips. Marks in blue coloured pencil are visible on the outer edge of green paper strips, u.c., c.l. and c.r.
inscribed - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on green paper stripes, b.c.: [illeg.]; and c.l.: [illeg.] inscribed - by the draughtsman, within the composition (on the wall below the vaulted ceiling), the monogram "MA" referring to Louise-Jeanne de Durfort, duchesse de Mazarin
Paris; France;
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