Worksheet No. 138, for 'The Stones of Venice': Details of the balcony of Palazzo Falier
between January and May 1850
- Although the worksheets were not used directly for the engravings, several details from this sheet can be found illustrated in 'The Stones of Venice': vol. 1, pls. 10 and 11; vol. 2, pls. 10, 15 and 20; vol. 3, pls. 2, 5 and 10.
- The windows of the balcony of the Palazzo Falier illustrated Ruskin's best example of a second order window. ('The Stones of Venice', vol. 2, ch. 7, section 30).
Pen and ink, graphite, watercolour on paper adhered overall to card
secondary support: 41.2 x 28.4 cm sheet: 37.0 x 26.6 cm
- Sheet was torn along left side, and has been trimmed unevenly.
inscribed - by the artist, in graphite and pen and brown ink, throughout: with title, index no., notes, and measurements
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