Sketches of a tomb, possibly that of Arnoldo Tentonino, in Sta. Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice, for 'The Stones of Venice'
between 1849 and 1852
- Ruskin accepted Marchese Selvatico's identification of this tomb in Sta. Maria Gloriosa dei Frari, Venice. Modern guidebooks do not identify it.
Graphite, with some pen and brown ink
secondary support: 41.4 x 28.5 cm sheet: 32.0 x 26.6 cm
inscribed - by the draughtsman, in graphite, or pen and brown ink, l.c.: "Fir cone dogtooth / Armour. / armour / hair flowing / child swathed / b bands of black & white & diamonds / eyes painted. / Sword not seen from below / Tomb of Arnoldo - in the Frari. / The outside interval a. always the same. / but b and c. alternate with each other in side; other comments in graphite and pen and brown ink.
Venice; Italy;
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