The Fen and Marshland Churches: A Series of Photographs, with Short Historical and Architectural Descriptive Notes. Third Series.
between 1867 and 1869
Albumen silver prints
book: 28.8 x 22.5 x 2.5 cm comps.: 19.3 x 14.1 cm secondary supports: 27.7 x 20.9 cm
- Binding consists of grey cloth-covered boards and spine. There are black ink inscriptions, a gold gilt cross and black and red ink accents on the cover and spine. Endpapers are of green paper. Pages and secondary supports are of white cardboard with red ink edging. A red ink line frames the text on each page. The book is comprised of a title page, dedication page, table of contents, list of photographs, 76 pages of text, ground plans of the churches and cathedrals, and 15 photographs.
inscribed - see object for complete inscription
Boston; Lincolnshire; England; United Kingdom;
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