West façade of Wells Cathedral, Wells, England
composition (visible image; square): 6,7 x 9,2 cm plate (approx.): 8,25 x 10,75 cm secondary support: 8.6 x 11.1 cm, 0.5 cm (3 3/8 x 4 3/8 in., 3/16 in.)
Image plate is under a simple square shaped mat and glass with taped seals around the edges of the object.
labelled and imprinted - in typescript, black script on blue paper label, adhered to mount, verso; "BEARD'S/PATENT PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAITS/TAKEN AT/85, Henry William Street City/34 Parliament Street, Westminster/AND/Royal Polytechnic Institution/309, REGENT STREET" inscribed - on blue label, verso, l.r.; illegible initials
Wells Somerset England United Kingdom
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