Interior view of the Church of San José de Gracia del Rio de Las Trampas looking towards the altar, Trampas, New Mexico, United States
1962 or 1963
Gelatin silver print
comp.: 19.2 x 24.2 cm secondary support: 22.9 x 28.0 cm sheet: 20.6 x 25.4 cm
- The secondary support is affixed to the CCA mount with two clear platic corners in the u.r. and l.r. and with a paper corner and white woven tape in the l.l.
stamped - in typescript and black ink, on the secondary support, verso, l.l.: "CREDIT LINE / PHOTOGRAPH BY / LAURA GILPIN" labelled and imprinted - in typescript and black ink, on a white paper label attached to the u.c. of the secondary support, verso, u.l.: "LG" [monogram]; u.c.: "PHOTOGRAPHS / BY LAURA GILPIN / BOX 1173, SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO"; c.: with title and / "1760. (possible) in use by 1776. / Only church in New Mexico with adjoining / morada (E. Boyd.)" [double black border frames t. and b. of label] inscribed - by an unknown hand, in pink pencil, on the secondary support, l.r.: "Property of / W. J. van de Meer"
Trampas; Taos County; New Mexico; United States;
© Amon Carter Museum of American Art
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