Interior of church with arched columns
Gelatin silver print
comp.: 40.0 x 30.8 cm mat: 60.9 x 50.8 cm secondary support: 50.0 x 38.6 cm sheet: 40.0 x 30.8 cm
inscribed - (4)/Helders/Ottawa/"Come Unto Me" (in pencil, on mount, verso, UL); B/62/ 1/431/172 (in colored pencil, on mount, verso, LR);Exhibited at/the/London Salon/of Photography/LS?1936 (printed label, on mount, verso, CR); This is one of the four hundred and three prints/that were selected for the/Nineteenth Annual International/Photographic Salon of the Camera/Pictorialists of Los Angeles/It was exhibited in the Los Angeles Museum during January, 1936, .... (printed label, on mount, verso, UL); 554 (printed label, on mount, verso, LL); "Come Unto Me"./1935 (in pencil, in Helder's hand, on mount, recto, LL & LR) stamped - 607 (in ink, on mount, verso, LR) signed - Johan Helders (in pencil, recto, on mount, LR)
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