Lower Broadway looking towards Chambers
ca. 1895 ?
Gelatin silver print
comp.: 15.1 x 19.8 cm mat: 27.9 x 35.5 cm sheet: 16.8 x 21.6 cm
Inscribed; stamped - Lower Broadway 40 years ago/Bway looking toward Chambers (in pencil, in unknown hand, on print, verso, UC); about 1895 (in pencil, in unknown hand, on print, verso, CL); B/ 1/30 (in pencil, in unknown hand, on print, verso, C); 3525 (in pencil, in unknown hand, on print, verso, LL) stamped - NOTICE/This photograph, on which a copyright is pending/is sold with the understanding that it is for your use/only and not to be SYNDICATED, LOANED or used/for ADVERTISING without written release and the/following credit line MUST be reproduced./Photo EDWIN LEVICK, N.Y./Failure to carry credit line will double price quoted. (in purple ink, on print, verso, CR); FROM/ FREDERIC LEWIS/.....(in blue ink, on print, verso, LCR); 50 WEST 44th ST./ NEW YORK 18, N
New York (City); New York; United States;
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