Interior view of the master's study, Piscator apartment
probably between 1925 and 1935
Gelatin silver print
comp.: 16.8 x 23.4 cm
inscribed and numbered - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the print, verso, u.c.: with title; and l.r.: "56 // 5065 // 581" stamped - in purple ink, on the print, verso, c.: "Copyright ATELIER STONE / Reproduktion nur mit Genehmigung, Name [illeg.] / nennung und Belegexemplar. Wenn nichts / Besonderes vereinbart, gilt die Aufname [illeg.] / angenommen falls Rücksendung nicht inner- / halb 10 Tagen erfolgt. Honorare zu nehmen / an: ATELIER STONE, Berlin W10 / Kaiserin-Augusta-Strasse 69. Kürfurst [illeg.]" [Copyright ATELIER STONE. Reproduction with permission only... If nothing is agreed upon, the application will be sent back no less then ten days after the request is received. Payment to be made to ATELIER STONE, Berlin W10 Kaiserin-Augusta street 69 Electorate.]
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