Side entrance to the inspection agency for electrical works, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
after 1927
Gelatin silver print
comp.: 22.8 x 16.9 cm secondary support: 46.9 x 41.2 cm
imprinted and numbered - in the image, u.c.: "PFÖRTNER PERSONENAUFZUG" [Porter's elevator]; and c.l.:"IV / III LOHNBÜRO PERSONENALABTL. / II STATISTIK UND / REGISTRATUR / I BUCHHALTUNG / ZWISCHENSTOCK: / KONSUMABTL." [IV. III Loan's office personnel. II Statistics and registration. I Bookkeeping. The intermediate floor: consumer department] inscribed - by an unknown hand, in pen and blue ink, on the mount, u.l.: "Architekt: Adolf Meyer, ffm. Beschriftung: [stylized "M" monogram]ab // 28 ffm. / [with title] / GUTLEUTSTRASSE" [Architect: Adolf Meyer, ffm. Inscription: [stylized "M" monogram] ab // 28 ffm. [title] Gutleut street.]; and l.l.: "Zusam. Arb. Zeit m.d. städt. Hochbauamt. (GÖLLNER-FOTO)" [In collaboration with the Building Surveyor`s office. (GÖLLNER PHOTOGRAPHS)]
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