Photomontage of 1920's housing projects by architect Mart Stam
Gelatin silver prints
comp. (irrégulier): 49,9 x 40 cm
- This photograph is inscribed on the verso, u.l. to l.l. with arrows in graphite to indicate dimensions.
inscribed, dated and signed - by the photographer ? in pen and black ink, on the print, u.l.: "PROJ. FÜR / AMSTERDAM / 1926 / GESCHÄFTSHAUS FÜR / KÖNIGSBERG O.P. / 1922"; u.c.: "WASSERTURM / HOLLAND / 1927 / 11"; c.: "BAHNHOF GÈNEVE / 1924"; l.r.: "FOTO / ILSE / BING"; in pen and white ink, l.r.: "STUTTGART"; and in pen and white ink, l.l.: "FRANKFURT" inscribed - by the photographer ? in graphite, on the secondary support, u.l.: "Ausschuss [?]" inscribed - by the draughtsman ? on the original, c.: "REKLAME / KIOSK"; and c.r.: "GENEVE CO" inscribed - by unknown hands, in graphite, on the secondary support, verso, u.l.: "dnt [?] 9/silo [?] 6"; u.l. to l.l.: "22cm hoch / oben rechts = Ausschuss [?]" [sideways]; l.l.: "G. ff592 [underlined] / D.N.F [underlined] / 3. Drücke."; c.l. to c.r.: "so kleinieren, das seite ganz voll wird. / [illeg.] / Name oben links weg. / Name wird rechts oben eingedruckt" ["eingedruckt" underlined]
© Estate of Ilse Bing
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