Photograph of a sectional elevation for the middle concourse of the Gemeente Museum [Public Museum], Stadhouderslaan 41, The Hague, Netherlands
between 1919 and 1925
Gelatin silver print
comp.: 7.8 x 22.6 cm secondary support: 22.2 x 34.7 cm sheet: 8.1 x 23.0 cm
- Photographs PH1984:0931 - PH1984:0936 have identical captions written by the same hand, are mounted on green coloured construction paper with the exception of photographs PH1984:0932 - PH1984:0933 which are mounted on brown coloured construction paper, and all of the mounts have pinholes in each of the four corners with rust stains around the holes. These could possibly have been used in an exhibition. Photograph PH1984:0932 is a photograph of a model where the model has been outlined in black felt pen.
inscribed - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the secondary support, l.l.: "ONTWERP MUSEUM DEN HAAG. HPB [monogram]" [DESIGN MUSEUM IN HAAG.] numbered - by unknown hands, in graphite, on the secondary support, l.l.: "[illeg.] 2"; and in blue pencil, u.r.: "2" numbered - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the secondary support, verso, u.r.: "2836" imprinted - in typescript and brown ink, in the image, l.l.: "S[illeg.]REND [illeg.] O BEOD[illeg.] - ARCHITECT"; l.c.: with title; and l.r.: "D[illeg.] H. P. BERLAGE - ARCHITECT"
The Hague; South Holland; Netherlands;
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