Archeological Survey of India, Kashmir, 1870
Carbon prints
album: 34.0 x 25.1 x 3.5 cm
- Contemporary binding consists of orange cloth with brown leather spine, gold lettering and decorations, and reddish brown endpapers.
Inscribed; stamped - Illustrations/ of / Ancient buildings/ inKashmir/Prepared under the Authority of/ the secreatary of State for India inconcil/ from/ photographs, plans and drawings/ taken/ by order of theGovernment of India/by/ Henry Hardy Cole, Lieutenant, R.E./Superintendent,Archaelogical survey of india, north-west provincies/ London /India Museum.1869/ NM.H Allen and co., 13 waterlou place S.W./ Publishers to the Indiaoffice (printed in black ink on title page); (various pencil notations). stamped - Archaeological. Survey/ of /India/Kashmir/ 1870 (stamped in gold, frontcover);"Archaeological/Survey/of/India/ Kashmir (stamped in gold, on spine);school of Oriental & African studies / London (stamped in black ink incircular outline, title page).
Jammu and Kashmir; India;
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