Interior view of an exhibition space for glass manufacturing and sales at trade show, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Gelatin silver print
comp.: 12.9 x 23.0 cm
-Upper edge of the composition indistinguishable from the upper edge of the sheet.
imprinted - in the image, u.l.: "GLASEISENBETON" [reinforced iron glass]; c.r.: "OPAKGLAS / [with title] / GLASWERKE STOLBERG AACHEN / DEUTSCHE OPAKGLASWERKE FREDEN / SPIEGELMANUFAKTUR WALDHOF A.G. / SCHLES SPIEGELGLASMANUFAKTUR CARL TIELSON / ALTWASSER / SPIEGELGLASFABRIK REISHOLZ A.G." [Opaque glass. with title. Stollberg glass work, Aachen. German opaque glass work, Freden. Mirror manufacturer, Waldhof, A.G. Schles glass mirror manufacturer, Carl Tieson. Old water glass mirror manufacturer, Reisholz A.G.]; and l.l.:"VERTRIEB DURCH [illeg.] / [illeg.]SSELS & KAMP / [illeg.] BREITBARTH / SPIEGELGLA [illeg.] / [illeg.]MONIS G.M.B. [illeg.]" stamped - in purple ink, on the print, verso, u.l.: "Georg Schäfer & Co. / G.m.b.H. / Frankfurt a. Main"; and in black ink, on the print, verso, c.: "Urhebervermerk: Phot. Hanah Reeck / Allgem. Reproduktionsbedingungen: / Central-Vbd. D.Ph.V. u. I. u. Reichsvbd d.Bilderichterstatter / Belegexemplar an Frau Hanah Reeck, Zimmerweg 3, Frankfurt a. M." [Production records: Photographer, Hanah Reeck. Copyright: Central-Vbd. D. Ph. V. u. l. u. Reichsvbd d. Photograph copyright, Frau Hanah Reeck, Zimmerweg 3, Frankfurt a. M.]
Frankfurt am Main; Germany;
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