Portrait of Philip Johnson at his desk in the Seagram Building with a view of buildings and the East River in the background, New York City
Gelatin silver print
comp.: 15.8 x 22.8 cm sheet: 20.2 x 25.3 cm
inscribed, dated and signed - by the photographer ? in graphite, on the print below the image, l.l.: with title and "1959 VP"; and l.r.: "c [circled] Arnold Newman" stamped - in black ink, on the print, verso, c.: "c [circled] ARNOLD NEWMAN / THIS PHOTOGRAPH CANNOT BE COPIED / TELEVISED OR REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM / WITHOUT THE EXPRESSED AND WRITTEN / PERMISSION OF THE PHOTOGRAPHER, IT / CAN BE USED FOR EXHIBIT PURPOSES ONLY. / 39 WEST 67th ST., N.Y.C. 10023" numbered and dated - by an unknown hand, in graphite, on the print, verso, c.: "2604" [possibly neg. no.]; and l.c.: "Yr 1959"
© Arnold Newman/Getty Images/2012 Arnold Newman
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