Album of portraits of royalty and views of the Kremlin and churches in Moscow and Foros
published 1896
An index to the heliogravures appears in the front of the album. Heliogravures PH1986:0464:005 and PH1986:0464:006 which are printed on the same sheet, are both numbered "V". Heliogravure number "XVI" titled "Le Croiseur "Pamiat Merkouria" à Sewastopol." has been disbound from the album and is missing.
album: 31.2 x 44.9 x 1.7 cm
- Contemporary binding consists of maroon cloth-covered boards and spine with gilt lettering and gilt and black ornamental trim. Patterned moiré endpapers.
stamped - on the cover, in gold, c.: "Images by Count Nostits / 1896r. / Sale for the benefit of the Pan'kovski orphanage near Dnieper / of Ekaterinoslavskaya Region. / Price: One half imperial or 20 francs" [translated from Russian] imprinted - on the title page, in black ink, c.: "Photographies du Comte Nostitz / 1896 / La vente est au profit de l'asile de Pannkowka au Governement / d'Ekaterinoslaw. / Prix une demi Imperiale ou 20 Francs. / Heliogravure de J. Blechinger à Vienne." [French translation of Russian title on front cover] imprinted - on the table of contents, in black ink: with an "Index des héliogravures." including titles for each heliogravure in Russian and French
Foros; Ukraine;
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