Palais du Louvre et des Tuileries. Motifs de décorations tirés des constructions exécutées au nouveau Louvre et au palais des Tuileries sous la direction de M.H.-M. Lefuel, architecte de l'empereur.
Album containing 100 photogravures made from photographs by Baldus following a special process of his own, that would restore them on the reverse side. Malcolm Daniel writes: "Baldus's Louvre photographs found their final incarnation in a gravure publication 'Palais du Louvre et des Tuileries'. The three volumes in this set largely parallel the albums that Baldus had made earlier for the Minister of State; again the majority of the images are of sculptural and ornamental details from the New Louvre, but statuary and ornament from the Tuileries Palace and Gardens are also included. The first edition of the 'Palais du Louvre et des Tuileries', published by Baldus himself, was offered for sale in fascicles beginning in late 1869, and the series was completed by the end of 1871. Two volumes, each with 100 plates, focused on interior and exterior decoration. Because of the success of the first two volumes, a third, showing both interior and exterior motifs was produced, and the three-volume set was published by Morel in 1875." ('History of Photography', p. 120-121).
In this album, views show sculptural and ornamental details (some of them fragments) of the models made for the decoration of the Manège; Palais des Tuileries (south wing, court façade); quay façade); the New Louvre (south wing, Carrousel façade and quay façade); Guichet de l'Empereur; Pavillon de Flore (quay façade); first floor; Lesdiguières, Turgot and Rohan Pavilions and a view of the Pavillon des Tuileries before destruction by fire by the Commune.
album: 45,6 x 35 x 4,5 cm comps. (smallest): 12,4 x 13,2 cm comps. (largest): 12,4 x 13,2 cm secondary supports: 44,2 x 31,3 cm
- Non-contemporary binding consists of 3/4 beige cloth-covered boards and 1/4 light beige cloth-covered spine - loose title piece from original binding on spine in gold lettering: E. BALDUS / PALAIS / DU LOUVRE / ET / DES TUILERIES / III
imprinted, numbered and signed imprinted title page: PALAIS DU LOUVRE ET DES TUILERIES / MOTIFS DE DÉCORATIONS / tirés des Constructions / exécutées au NOUVEAU LOUVRE et au PALAIS des TUILERIES / sous la direction de MR. H. LEFUEL / Architecte de l'EMPEREUR / HÉLIOGRAVURE PAR E. BALDUS / 17, RUE D'ASSAS, PARIS / no 52 is signed and dated 'FLANDRIN 1855'
Paris France
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