Conceptual and schematic sketches and drawings
conceptual and schematic sketches and drawings showing the earlier stages of the development of the design; conceptual sketches consist of several doodles and thumbnail sketches exploring different overall shapes for the building, and alternatives for an amphitheatre-shaped building; schematic sketches and drawings show more detailed alternatives for the planning of students' rooms, service rooms, and car park, and for the shape and position of the breakfast and seminar room, twin vertical circulation cores, and escape stairs; they include a revised schedule of accommodation, a drawing for diagrammatic cross and longitudinal sections for an amphitheatre-shaped building, diagrammatic floor plans, sections, partial sections, sectional elevations, and elevation obliques, showing more developed geometrical designs for the plan and the section for the building; some drawings depict a scheme with an underground parking garage and curved access ramp; some of the schematic drawings feature doodles and thumbnail sketches, some are hand-coloured, and some are annotated
Ink, graphite, and coloured pencil on translucent paper
sheet (smallest): 10 x 13 cm sheet (largest): 26 x 34 cm
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