videocassettes, including 'Seventh Praemium Imperial'; 'J.S. Memorial Video (B.B.C.)'; The Second Praemium Imperiale: Awards Ceremony', dated 1990; Praemium Imperiale Laureates Profiles 2001'; Praemium Imperiale Laureates Profiles 2003'; 'Sir James Stirling Memorial Celebration', dated 1992; 'Building Sights: Series Two, Katharine Stephen Room, Newnham College, Cambridge, Presenter James Stirling, Director Geoff Dunlop', dated 1989; 'Thema: "Stirling"', Hessischer Rundfunk, dated 1992; 'Stirling in Stuttgart', dated 1992; 'RIBA Building of the Year, Centenary Building, University of Salford', dated 1996
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