Views of various projects by the successive firms of Stirling and Gowan, James Stirling and James Stirling and Partner
views of various projects by the successive firms of Stirling and Gowan, James Stirling and James Stirling and Partner, including Flats at Ham Common, School Assembly Hall, Brunswick Park Primary School, Dorman Long Headquarters, Florey Building, Queen's College, University of Oxford and British Olivetti Headquarters in Milton Keynes, also views of Liverpool, of the Maison de verre in Paris by architect Pierre Charreau, the Alton Estate in Roehampton, the Atomium at the 1958 Exposition universelle et internationale in Brussels, Keeling House in London by architect Denys Lasdun, buildings by architect Antoni Gaudí, projects by Le Corbusier for lectures by James Stirling, of travels in the United States, including San Francisco, also includes a few negatives
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