Lectures and interviews
videocassettes include:
- "The Unreel"
- "What a Wonderful World"
- "Construction Site/City Scape"
- P. Eisenman " Weak Form: Architecture in a Mediated Environment" (X4: March 25th, 1991; March 28th, 1991; April 1st, 1991; April 4th, 1991)
- "1993 AIA Awards"
- "National Council of Teachers of Mathematics" May 1991
- 1992 6/12 "Fukuoka"
- 1992 6/7 "Daitoku - ji, in kyoto"
- "2nd Simposium Internacional De Arquitectura IV"
- "The Eye" November 1993 Japan Architecture
- "Conferencia De Architectura" February 20th, 1992
- "The Edgo fo Between" P. E. at Colegio de Arquitectos de Madrid May 1988
- Progressive Architecture presentation excerpts
- unknown - Japanese title, June 30th, 1992
Specialized equipment required for playback.
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