Documents include lectures, 1989-1992
documents include lectures, 1989-1992; travel files, 1991-1992; letters of recommendation, 1991-1992. Lecture file schedule: Ching (Chinese community lectures) 11/29 - 11/30, lecture requests rejected.File folder "lectures 1989 - finished": miscellaneous papers concerning planning, contacts, travel, etc. File folder "lectures 1991":Wiesbaden 1991, Seton Hill / Philip Johnson, 09/14/91 lecture, santander (University) Barcelona 8/19 lecture honorarium, Western Mountain Region (AIA) Salt Lake (City) 09/21/91, Mississippi State Lecture Honorarium 09/16/91, Central States Regional AIA Convention, Des Moines, 10/10-11, University of Michigan Lecture Honorarium 11/22/91, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Lecture Honoraria, University of Minnesota Lecture Honoraria, College of Architecture, Clemson, S.C. (1990), Museum of Contemporary Art (Chicago, 1990), The Savannah College (of Art and Design, 1990), The University of Michigan, Clemson University, Atlanta ADAC (Decorative Arts Center) July 22-23/91. PDE - Keynote Speaker. Contact Susan Fite, Ando - Century Club, Oct. 1/91. RSVP and Invitations: Georgia Tech. 01/14/92. File Folder - "Travel", 1991-1992:Naples, Germany Trip 12/15-12/18, Atlanta > Frankfurt > Berlin, Frankfurt Trip, Spain 1992, Japan Trip, Frankfurt Trip with Schwan & kreis(berg), Berlin Frank(furt) Trip. PDE, CCD, SCE, 05/20/92 Germany France Trip, Germany 6/29-30, Germany 3/24, memorabilia. File Folder - "letters of recommendation / reference," 1991-1992: Robert Montray Thesis, Georgia Institute of Technology, Raphael Mone, David Niland, Office for Metro. Arch., Sarah Whiting, Recommendation - Milanini, letter of Reference - J. Ben Gianni, letters of Reference, reference letters and Friedrich K.M. Bohm.
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