Miscellaneous files
documents include miscellaneous files, 1981-1985: R.I.B.A. Festival of American Arts 1985, House Vi - on exhibit at Rutgers (2 files), Richard Serra - Tilted Arc 1985 (2 files), interview PDE with David & Lindsay Shapiro 1981, letters of Recommendation 1984, DDR file on Cummins Engine Co., diazo print of details for NY Law School, publication - Patterns in Hyperspace, by Haresh Lalvani. Correspondence to Paul Goldberger NY Times, and letter from Herbert Lust Associates concerning the purchase of 52 House VI drawings from Max Protech Gallery, Feb. 1982. Resumes, recommendations,University engagements. Havard Graduate School of Design, including correspondence, course outlines, bulletins, etc. "Fire Station" - miscellaneous correspondence
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