Symposium paper on marinas, clippings, extracts from papers and reports
symposium paper on marinas, clippings, extracts from papers and reports, promotional material, brochures, book titled 'Port-Grimaud et la Côte des Maures' (Grange Batelière, Paris) , magazine (periodical), mock-up of drawings for publication, government reports, regulations, booklet, maps, specifications, technical drawings, borehole test results, reference drawings, correspondence, publications, study, annual report, pamphlets, postcards, newspapers, photographs and contact sheet of area and site, postcards of local area and views, photographs and postcards of mono-rail and cable cars, including Expo 67 site, panoramic views of Two Tree Island, aerial photographs, original drawings, photographs, and texts on existing conditions and photographic survey, chapter of 'Logbook' titled '2 Existing characteristics', chart, and ordnance map showing photographic survey
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