Press clippings for various projects
clippings, including material relating to the Cedric Price projects: New Aviary, Zoological Society (AP144.S2.D31), Robson Translloyd, London W.1 (AP144.S2.D36), Radome Development (AP144.S2.D40), Auditorium, Claverton Bath (AP144.S2.D41), House, Selsdon (AP144.S2.D42), Tone Vale Hospital, Taunton (AP144.S2.D47), Circlorama (AP144.S2.D51), Barking Flyover (AP144.S2.D57), Whyte Lion Development (AP144.S2.D60), Bath Festival (AP144.S2.D62), BAA/LHA/North (AP144.S2.D65), (AP144.S2.D70 BTDB Computer), Shantasea Development (AP144.S2.D72), BMI/HQ (AP144.S2.D74), Phun City (AP144.S2.D77), Olympia (AP144.S2.D83), Two Tree Island (AP144.S2.D84), McAppy (AP144.S2.D89), River Clyde Competition (AP144.S2.D90), Trucksafe Air Portable Dock Ahoy (AP144.S2.D93), Water Wall (AP144.S2.D94), Scotswhim (AP144.S2.D95), G.T.R. (AP144.S2.D97), Whitehall (AP144.S2.D98), Strike (AP144.S2.D99), Generator (AP144.S2.D100), Domain (AP144.S2.D108), Castel (AP144.S2.D109), CP Aviary (AP144.S2.D113), and for Picstate, Polyark (AP144.S3.D33), and a project for Tunisia
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