Bi'r Ayyub (Job's Well), the biblical en-rogel, south of Jerusalem near the point of confluence of the three valleys of Kidron, Tyropoeon, and Hinnan, Jerusalem, Palestine
1867-ca. 1873
Albumen silver print from wet collodion negative
comp.: 15.7 x 20.8 cm mat: 35.5 x 43.2 cm secondary support: 30.2 x 38.1 cm
inscribed - F.M.Good/140-/#2732A3 (in pencil, in modern hand, on mount, UL, recto) 575/TheWell of Enrogel, near Jerusalem./By this Well Jonathan and Ahimaaz waited fora message from King David, during Absalon's rebellion. 2 Sam. xviii/and nearthe same place at the close of King David's reign was held that feast of consipiritors,/who plotted to make Adonijah King./King I.9. (printed on mount,LC, recto)
Jerusalem; Israel;
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