"Personal hand sketches" and "Arthur's sketches"
2 files - "Personal hand sketches" and "Arthur's sketches" - identified and unidentified drawings mostly photocopies and some originals; Mont Royal Tower (diazotype plan and elevation), Russel House (plan), Roy Thompson Hall (plans, elevation), Canadian Chancery (plans, section, elevation), Abu Nuwas University (plan, elevations), 60 Wall Street (perspcetive sketches and photo of model), Trump Tower, Kamokogamara project (plans, area calculations), unidentified hotel, Napp Laboratories (perspectives and plans), California Plaza office tower (base perspectives, plans), correspondence and note from Barbara Shapiro; curatorial proposal and C.V. from Diana Archambald
Graphite, ink on translucent paper, tracing paper, paper, facsimile transmissions, photomechanical prints, diazotype, photograph
sheet (smallest): 11 x 8.5 cm sheet (largest): 60 x 87 cm
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