Permanent files, offer of services and proposal reports for various projects
41 files of Permanent Files, offer of services and proposal reports for the following projects: Harbor Hotel, Bus Barn Site, Sanaa University (Yemen), Waterfront Centre, Simon Fraser University village, Saudi Arabian National Centre for Science and Technology, California Plaza schematic design, Songhees Redevelopment (Victoria), Vancouver Music Organization Recital Hall, Universal city MCA (California), British Columbia Place, Arabian Gulf University Project, Lands in Eau Claire (Calgary), California Centre (by Bunker Hill Associates), Esso Cold Lake Project, Lulu Island / Annacis Channel Study, Lethridge Hospital and Nursing Home, Hawally Local Plan and Central Area Redevelopment, Islamic University of Medina, Marathon Pier (B.C), Jeddah Main Building reconstruction, Wadi Sagra Circle, Stoker Farm report (B.C), Public Services Building (Portland).
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