View of the Palace of Fine Arts constructed for the Panama-Pacific International Exposition showing columns and the rotunda, San Francisco, California
Gelatin silver print
comp.: 24.8 x 20.0 cm mat: 50.8 x 40.6 cm secondary support: 33.0 x 25.6 cm sheet: 24.8 x 20.0 cm
inscribed - "Grandeur that Never Was" (inink, in photographer's hand, on mount, recto, LL); 1953 (in ink, inphotographers hand, on mount, recto, LR); #7702/B # 392/ 1/9/53/# 2[circled]/Grandeur That Never Was (in pencil, in photographer's hand, onmount, verso, LR) stamped - Print No ...../Photograph Copyrighted by/C.J. LAUGHLIN/All ReproductionRights Reserved (in ink, on mount, verso, UL); NEIKRUG GALLERY, INC./Two-Twenty Four East Sixty-Eighth Street/New York 21, N.Y./Marjorie NeikrugButterfield 8-7741-2 (in ink, on mount, verso, UCL) signed - Clarence John Laughlin (in ink, on mount, recto, LR)
San Francisco; California; United States;
© The Historic New Orleans Collection, neg. 7702
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