Drawings for Book
1951 - 2002
Clearprint tablet cover containing 26 drawings, watercolours and and prints, and 1 sheet with notations in pencil.
- chart of bronze vases
- dust jacket design
- "Bronze table base F 17 B"
- "BGM Chair # 2 (L) (Bronze)"
- 3 studies for candlesticks
- "# 5 Wood Chair"
- 4 studies for silk curtain colour, IIT Chapel
- study of guest units for Desert Gardens project
- site plan for Cañada Business Center
- Berlin National Gallery preliminary scheme
- detail of bronze skin (Seagram building)
- "Shaker Tower"
- W & L stool
- BGM chair
Ink and/or coloured pencil on trace; ink and graphite on trace; watercolour and graphite on paper; ink, graphite and collage on trace; printouts
some drawings initialled or signed and dated
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