Posters and mailouts for various events
between 1965 and 2008, predominant 1976-1981
File containing assorted posters and mailouts for the following events, etc.:
- poster for Quebec release of For a few dollars more;
- mailout for Robert Rauschenberg exhibition at Sonnabend Gallery;
- poster for Robert Rauchenberg's White paintings at Leo Castelli Gallery;
- posters for Melvin Charney: other monuments, six works exhibition at the Art Gallery of Ontario;
- poster for Between observation and intervention: the painted photographs of Melvin Charney;
- mailout for Frank Stella lithographs at Castelli Graphics [Leo Castelli Gallery];
- invitation for the opening of Montréal, plus ou moins?;
- poster for Edward Rushca Liquid word series at the Alexandre Iolas Gallery;
- poster for a conference at the Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven in which Melvin Charney participated;
- poster and unfolded brochure for Corridart;
- poster for James Rosenquist exhibition at Leo Castelli Gallery;
- poster for Melvin Charney's exhibition Other monuments: 1970-1976 at Gund Hall, Harvard University;
- poster for James Rosenquist exhibition at Leo Castelli Gallery;
- poster for Jasper Johns exhibition at Leo Castelli Gallery;
- colour and black-and-white publication dummies for a book about Melvin Charney by the Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal;
- poster for exhibition for the 6th residential course of the Labratorio internazionale di Architettura e Disegno Urbano.
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