Plans and sections for two separate architectural projects, Place des Moulins, Esplanade Frontenac, Sherbrooke, Québec
Includes plans and sections for two separate architectural projects. The roll is labelled "Cité des rivières, Sherbrooke 2003" and is related to Place des Moulins, Esplanade Frontenac, Sherbrooke,Québec, 2003. Plan titles include "Démolition du sous-sol - vue en plan du sous-sol et localisation des vestiges archéologiques et services" and "Plan de localisation et limite des travaux". One of the plans is labelled "SHEV-318-10-501 (March 2003)" and the roll contains plans from a separate project that was used as "reference for SHEV-318". This second project is titled "Store No. 42 for Steinberg`s Ltd., Sherbrooke, Québec" and is by arcitect M.W. Roth, August 1954.
sheets: 84.7 × 121.5 cm
Sherbrooke Québec Canada
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