Photographs from Melvin Charney's early and middle career
between 1956 and 1988
Ring binder containing the following photographs:
- Fragments... la maison de Rivière-des-Prairies (1 photograph);
- Memo series...planche 112 - Mies on his way to Los Angeles (1 photograph)
- Old Montreal (3 photographs);
- Entrance to the Lachine Canal (1 photograph);
- Lachine Canal, 1956 (4 photographs);
- Possibly additional photographs of Lachine Canal (3 photographs);
- Unidentified columns (3 photographs);
- Grain elevators (3 photographs);
- Temple of Concordia (3 photographs);
- Unidentified buildings (7 photographs);
- A street in Montreal, 1964 (1 printout);
- A house in the village of Casuvin (1 printout).
sheets: 25,1 × 20,1 cm (9 7/8 × 7 15/16 in.)
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