Ring binder with photographic materials related to different projects by Abalos & Herreros
Contains photographic materials of projects by Abalos & Herreros:
- Ordenación del área de Abandoibarra, Bilbao, AP164.S1.1993.D5 (110 slides, 11 negatives, 1 gelatin silver print: maps, models, sketches, various plans, collage, perspective, etc.);
- Parque Dunar, Doñana National Park, AP164.S1.1993.D6 (9 slides: plans, presentation drawings, etc.);
- Various projects, among them Centro cívico y comercial, Majadahonda, AP164.S1.1992.D3 (18 slides: models, perspectives, site plans, etc.).
slides: 5 × 5 cm ring binder: 31,4 × 28,6 × 4,5 cm
dated, labelled and numbered
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