Ring binder with photographic materials related to four or five projects by Abalos & Herreros
between 1993 and 2003
Contains photographic materials of 4 or 5 projects by Abalos & Herreros:
- Parque Dunar, Doñana National Park, AP164.S1.1993.D6 (32 photographs: views of scenery and area?);
- Unidentified project (4 photographs: views of a condemned building?);
- Prototipos de vivienda industrializada: Casas AH-Gia, AP164.S1.1993.D11 (189 photographs, 2 collages: views of model);
- Biblioteca Usera, AP164.S1.1995.D1 (95 photographs: views of the area, surrounding buildings, model and construction phase);
- III Bienal Arquitectura Española, AP164.S1.1995.D2 (162 photographs, 1 postcard, 1 electrophotographic print, 1 photomontage: views of a church and university, model, assembly of the light structure, and light structure one exposed).
ring binder: 35 × 29,1 × 7,2 cm
dated, labelled and numbered
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