Advance planning, Ordenación de Nueva Montaña Quijano en Santander, Spain
Includes textual records:
- "Avance de planeamiento" (Advance planning);
- "Expediente de modificación de elementos del plan general de ordenación urbana de Santander" (Elements of modification to the general plan for the urban management of Santander);
- "Informe técnico y situación urbanística" (Technical report and urbanistic situation) [3 copies];
- "Estudios previos" (Previous studies).
portfolio: 42,5 × 30,2 × 2,6 cm book: 29,8 × 21 cm (11 3/4 × 8 1/4 in.) book: 42,1 × 29,7 cm (16 9/16 × 11 11/16 in.)
- The portfolio has grey ribbon ties.
dated, inscribed, labelled and stamped
Santander Spain
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