Various photographs of Chandigarh, India
Photographs of the Capitol complex, some of the schools and government housing in Chandigarh, India. There is photographs of the Secreteriat, the Assembly and the High Court. There are also photographs of nursery schools, including some of the Pierre Jeanneret's scultpure, photographs of the Junior Secondary School - II in sector 22 and the Junior Secondary School - III in sector 16. The group also include photographs the MLA Hostel (in sector 3 or 4), House Type 1 (or Chief Minister) in sector 6 and photographs of the Shukna Lake.
Gelatin silver prints on paper mounted on thin cardboard
composition (range; for individual images): 12 to 20,5 × 3,1 to 25,4 cm secondary support: 42 × 29,9 cm
- 4 contact sheets affixed on the recto and the verson of a thin cardboard.
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