Various photographs of Chandigarh
between 1951 and 1965
Group consists of various photographs of Chandigarh, India, including:
- The Gandhi Bhawan and the reflecting pool in Panjab University in sector 14
- The Gandhi Bhawan auditorium in Panjab University in sector 14
- An unidentified bas-relief in concrete
- Young girls playing in front of the Carmel Convent School in sector 5
- The open-air theatre in Panjab University in sector 14
- Jeet Malhotra, Jawaharlal Nehru and Pierre Jeanneret taking tea at the Gandhi Bhawan inauguration
- A man in front of a model of Chandigarh's master plan at the Architect's office in sector 19
- Pierre Jeanneret and Le Corbusier
- The "Modulor Man" wrought iron scultpture
Copy prints mounted on aluminum
sheets: 56,6 × 70,4 cm
- Velcro are affixed on the corners of the verso all the photographs.
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