Photographs of various projects by Melvin Charney
between 1963 and 1999
Binder containing notes, a photograph, and slides related to the following projects:
- Rue de la Commune 1963, 1976, 1991-1992 (9 slides, including 7 duplicates, 1 black-and-white photograph);
- Faubourg Saint-Laurent 1989-1990 (121 slides, including 7 duplicates, 7 pages of handwritten notes);
- Carré Viger 1991 (65 slides, including 35 duplicates);
- Place de baseball des Expos de Montréal 1999 (25 slides, including 16 duplicates);
- Unknown project located in old Montréal n.d. (10 slides, including 3 duplicates).
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